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Skillman Foundation announces hiring of John Ziraldo as vice president of program and strategy

The Skillman Foundation has named John Ziraldo as its new vice president of program and strategy.

John Ziraldo

Ziraldo brings significant experience from both the philanthropic and nonprofit sectors. Most recently serving as senior program officer for the William Davidson Foundation, he has also served as president and CEO of Lighthouse of Oakland County, director of programs at The Guidance Center, and founding executive director at the Thompson-McCully Foundation. Additionally, Ziraldo had worked for the Skillman Foundation from 1989 to 2000, and served as one of the Foundation’s first program officers.

“John has been long associated with philanthropy in our community,” said Skillman Foundation President & CEO Tonya Allen. “Many nonprofit and foundation executives reference his guidance in the trajectory of their careers. I count myself among them, having served as a program officer under John’s leadership at the Thompson-McCully Foundation.”

Ziraldo succeeds Kristen McDonald, who stepped down from her role at the Skillman Foundation in July of 2016 to serve as president and CEO of the Greater Midland Community Center. 

A voice for children since 1960, the Skillman Foundation is a private philanthropy with assets of nearly a half-billion dollars and annual grant budgets of $15-17 million. The Foundation supports quality educational and economic opportunities for Detroit children, and equitable civic action that champions the city’s youth.

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