Lindsey Barrett

“As an educator, I watched young people imagine bold possibilities for their lives and for the world every day. I champion children because we must be just as bold in reimaging and redesigning systems that are designed to support all young people in achieving their biggest aspirations.” 

Lindsey Barrett worked for The Skillman Foundation from 2019-2024. She served as a partnership manager of Ground Building with The Skillman Foundation, leading efforts to build power with Detroit youth.

Lindsey is a champion for youth power and brings a passion for education justice to the Foundation. Prior to joining the Foundation, Lindsey spent five years teaching and learning from Detroit’s brilliant youth as an elementary and middle school teacher in Detroit. She also brings experience in neighborhood development from her role as a Bohnett Public Service and Leadership Fellow in the City of Detroit’s Planning and Development Department where she led youth engagement in one of Detroit’s strategic neighborhood framework (SNF) neighborhoods.  

Lindsey holds a bachelor’s in elementary education and master’s in teaching and curriculum from Michigan State University through the Urban Educators Cohort Program. She also holds a master’s degree in public policy from the Ford School of Public Policy at the University of Michigan.  

A native Detroiter, Lindsey enjoys exploring arts and culture happenings in the city, cooking, and weekend road trips. 

Areas of expertise:
K-12 education, teacher recruitment and retention, education policy, and collective impact

A quote that describes my outlook:
“All that you touch you change. All that you change changes you.” —Octavia Butler

How I reenergize:
Journaling and gratitude practices, playing sports, and spending time with family and friends