Introducing The Skillman Visionary Awards

Council of Michigan Foundations, Inc.


This grant sponsors expenses for the “Dismantling Systemic Poverty through Guaranteed Income” panel at 2022 CMF Conference. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, many new collaborative partnerships have worked to address growing inequities in our communities. Federal dollars through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) have been disbursed to municipalities where local government and philanthropists are meeting community needs in new and creative ways. Join us for this session, hosted by the Governor’s Office of Foundation Liaison and the Safety Net Work Group, to hear from national advocates, local funders and local municipalities who are leveraging ARPA dollars and exploring guaranteed income pilots in their communities. You will learn how guaranteed income programs—direct, recurring cash payments that provide an income floor— are closing the wealth gap, bolstering local economies and lifting children and families out of poverty.