Our Youth Council Directed $200k to These Detroit Nonprofits

Allied Media Projects, Inc.


We will host at least 3 art-based wellness workshops integrating wellness practices into art making that amplifies the sensory and grounding aspects of working with fibers. We will begin with individual work that addresses their emotional state and invites them to engage with their bodies and ground. We will shift towards sharing and building a project together, addressing the similarities of the experience of the past year and its effect on us collectively. The youth will process through making a fiber-based art project together. The final product will be metaphorically, a tapestry of these experiences of connection.
Workshops will include centering community and connection through delicious healthy food, music and time for rest and play. We will also provide care kits of continued healing and centering wellness outside of school as well.
We will bring in a healing practitioner to offer mediation, yoga, music based healing or another form to ground and center students.